Apr 16, 2019
This show features all six of the Cultra crew as we discuss the happenings of this past weekend as Jimmy somehow works pooping into every conversation. We go over the Boston Marathon, Becky’s time at the Runamuck 50k, and Brian and Stacey’s first run as RD’s at the Traprock 50k where Jimmy crushed it, Art participated, and the Legend rocked an aid station.
The CULTRA trail running podcast is a place where we can get together and discuss all the fun shit that happens on the trails, that most normal people don’t care about. CULTRA’s headquarters is located in the belly of the beast coast, Glastonbury Connecticut, so most of our stories involve North East Trail running or North East Trail runners.
The language used in this show is explicit and raw like the trails we run on, so don’t listen to this with your kids.
CT Trailmixers: www.cttrailmixers.com
Traprock 50: www.traprock50.com
Jimmy's race report: https://runjmc.co/2019/04/14/the-2019-traprock-50k-you-get-what-you-gif/?fbclid=IwAR18iNAaD8x9aHOMPfOD3Q0SkLpP3HeUS4TGsa4_9GYj-57jto8xmqNeUFM
Desatin: https://www.desitin.com/
Appalachian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxOt2D2DSaw
Please support Cultra Trail Running Podcast
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CultraTrailRunning
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blueblazerunner
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CultraTrailRunning/-R&eid=ARAvGAIpGFU6At4y7HqUd_Heqx5OaCT4rtQPiEHvQNuB0aDaF8juSY9Db3ihSqbqgmMgwz2GFQLpMVps
Intro Guitar by Nick, Vocals Jack Byram, and beats Jack Sevigny beatstars.com/sev_beats