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Cultra Trail Running

Oct 31, 2021

Looking to win your local leaf catching contest? What is the latest gear for snagging the falling foliage during a run? So many questions, so few resources.  We tackle this along with so much more. 

Strava Leaf Catchers

Outro music by Nick Byram

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Oct 29, 2021

Ian Connell just won Bimblers Bluff 50k for the second time, but he is not all about winning.  He finds his space on the trail and lives in the joy of the moment.  He has ended up on the podium of every UltraSignup race he has entered, but remains remarkably humble.  

Bimblers Bluff 50K Race Results

Outro music by Nick...

Oct 15, 2021

John, Paul, George and Ringo are here! This was the result of like 4 episodes being spliced together, sometimes live, sometimes later in the studio. All kinds of technical difficulties. Whatevs, warts and all. We talk fall marathon season, bad ultrarunning advice, being burned out, Art literally just leaves early, we do...

Oct 8, 2021

AFB and Phat Phred welcome Trisha Ignatowski who recently nabbed an FKT on the 360 mile Erie Canal Trail. According to undisclosed sources, she allegedly was inspired by the infamous 419 Bike trip of Cultra’s AFB.  Trisha shares stories of competitive skating, trail running tips for women, steeplechase,...

Oct 2, 2021

Cultra Host Evil Becky Byram leads a scatagorical episode as we talk Spatathalon. cutoffs, canellations, volcanos, FKT's and the beauy of running in the North East in Autumn. 

Check out the Spartathalon

Here are the results of the Vermont 50

Outro music by Nick Byram

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