May 31, 2019
OH SNAP! The Crew went deep this week on that *saucy* little magazine article about how we are parasites, ooooooh. But before that Art, Stacey and #hundojoe were buzzing with nervous energy in preparation for the #CUT112, while Becky's gigantic ankle was raring to go at the Cayuga Falls 50 and Jimmy further tries...
May 24, 2019
I have no idea what this episode is about. I think Jordan is on it. Art was murmuring something about "getting this damn Skype thing to work" or some shit, I don't know. Becky and Jimmy couldn't make it because they had important family stuff to do. Anyway, Joe ran a hundo, hundo and a half (168 miles to be exact)....
May 17, 2019
The Crew is at it again, this time surprising our own Stacey Clark with an in-depth interview into why she’s so awesome, and why on Earth an elite ultrarunner like her slums it with us slow old dudes. The other elite female in our crew, Becky, was AWOL so Jimmy was lifted up from the Ottoman of Shame onto the Elite...
May 10, 2019
In this very special episode the Crew is joined by the winners of the very wet and muddy Spring Fling 600, Koby Nelson and Evil Becky Burke. We go over all the relevant details including how much mud there was, how muddy their feet got, what’s it like running in mud? Also what’s the actual composition of mud? Is it...
May 3, 2019
This episode the Crew is pared down to just Art, Stacey, Joe and Jimmy as they discuss their recent adventures including Art’s Hoppin’ Hodges 50k (1st place overall!) and running 54 miles overnight on the Airline Trail with Stacey and Shan Riggs, as well as a recounting of Stacey, Jimmy and sometimes cast member...