Mar 9, 2024
Dr. Jim Keane joins the Cultra Crew for an emotionally hard hitting, thought provoking, profound episode about life, the universe and everything. Phred, and his cat make a ruling declaring that Jim is the official winner of the 6 month guest contest. In addition to discussing the nature of addiction in all its forms, we discuss the impact of technology on social interactions and the issue of loneliness, which has been declared a national health crisis. We also discuss ethics, including the differences between satisfaction and pleasure, and the importance of human connections in this special community. We also talk old school Boston Marathon and the bandit culture, back when banditing was cool and wouldn’t get you cancelled or publicly shamed by a blood thirsty muckraking Investigation social media mob. This episode will leave you feeling recharged, and full of hope. Kind of like emotional support, and support is good!
The Bulldogs are an innovative peer-to-peer collective of recovering drug and alcohol abusers and their allies who use the fellowship of the road to provide support and solidarity to others like themselves. The Club was founded in 2015 by social worker and recovering heroin addict Mike Ferrulo who, in the 1970s, used long-distance running as part of his own rehab regimen. Ferrulo's belief that the courage and tenacity that running had instilled in him could help others on their own hard path to sobriety gave rise to the Boston Bulldogs.
Thanks to Patrick Carron of TARC for making this introduction, you can donate to Patrick's Boston Bulldogs fund raising efforts here.
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Outro music by Nick Byram
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