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Cultra Trail Running

Dec 31, 2021

What an action-packed episode we got coming at you this week, our last of 2021. We touch on Ryan Hall's huge gainz, Fred has a poignant and amazing story of a runner getting lost for 36 hours in Florida. Art does an awesome job mentioning that he has in fact done a 419 mile bike ride almost entirely across NY state, and the long way not the "easy" north-south route, you chickens!

Seriously, this year can fuck right off. But on another entirely related note: Jimmy is an obvious troll- this episode he starts shit with about 11 different demographic groups. Weightlifters? Check. People from Massachusettes? Yep. THE BRITISH? Holy fuck he went in HARD on those bitches. Will we lose listeners as a result? Art says "I hope not" but I think you're all batshit for even listening to one episode. Psyche, I'm grateful you listen. You're crazy and I like you. You're like "hold up a boombox outside my window" crazy tho, not like "kill my family's rabbit" crazy, thank you very much for the nightmares Glenn Fucking Close. 

Okay, let's do 2022 now.

All the books we mentioned:

Pfitz's Advanced Marathoning

Jack Daniels' Running Formula

Running with Lydiard

Run Faster with Brad Hudson


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Intro Guitar by Nick, Vocals Jack Byram, and beats Jack Sevigny