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Cultra Trail Running

Feb 8, 2019

Well it was super bowl Sunday and I had a few friends over and some good stories of the trail started to flow, so we moved into the studio! Mike Keenan, Rick O’Toole, and Todd Brown join Traps and Dr. J. Talking about the roots and the spirits in the Rocks of the Mesh is much more fun than football.

The Meshomasic State Forest is one of Connecticut’s great secrets. It has miles of unmarked trails that seem to get everyone lost. There are Nike Missile Sites, Shady Government Facilities, meth labs, and a buried alien spaceship, that rotates the ground and muddles the mind. 

The language used in most of our shows is explicit and raw just like our trails, so don’t listen to this with your kids, and if that stuff offends you too much, this may not be the episode for you.

So Mike Keenan was the guy who encouraged me to run my first trail ultra The Bimblers Bluff 50K, a great race that we all love.  Mike is quite the runner and in addition to a few dabbling on the trails, he has run many Marathons including the time he ran Boston with Lance Armstrong after taunting him on his blog for months before.  

Rick O’Toole is a great friend of mine and we often run the trails together. He ran a ton of Blue trails with me when as I was on my quest to run every Blue Blazed trail in CT and he is always seeking adventure.

Todd Brown has run Boston for the last 24 years in a row, and has run Manchester Road Race nearly every year of his life, and he is almost as old as I am. So we hope you enjoy our tales about our local forest, the Meshomasic State Forest AKA the MESH.

Here is a link to the Film “Mile. Mile and a Half” Directed by
Jason Fitzpatrick
Ric Serena

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